
The Alliance and its predecessor groups have provided grants to individuals within our communities since the 1970′s who are in serious financial distress due to an accident, serious illness, or death.

Those who may be considered for a grant include:

  • Members of and volunteers with the organizations comprising the Alliance

  • Persons who have actively participated with and supported the organizations and/or individuals comprising the Alliance

  • Persons who have actively participated with and supported the SF Bay Area Leather/Motorcycle/Fetish communities

Only life-line expenses will be considered for a grant, such as:

  • Rent

  • Electricity, Gas

  • Basic Telephone

  • Food (normal basic maintenance)

  • Medical, Insurance (if none other is available)

Statement of expenses and assets must be supported by documentation.

We encourage the grant applicant to be present at all readings of the grant application. The Grant Committee does not require an applicant to be there in person to process the application. The Sponsoring Director can represent an applicant. A delay of from 7 to 30 days in processing of the application may result because of questions and clarifications about the application that your Sponsoring Director could not address. The Sponsoring Director will supply an explanation (provided by the applicant) as to why the applicant cannot attend. The Grant Committee will not vote on any application presented to the Grant Committee for review that is not complete and cannot be completed and clarified at the time of review.

Payments will be made directly to creditors whenever possible.

This application as well as the reviewing process are confidential; creditors are requested to maintain such confidentiality.

This application must be reviewed by a sponsoring Alliance Director and two other Directors: a second reviewing Director and the Treasurer before presentation to the Grant Committee of the Board of Directors.

If you are unable to meet with a Director in person to complete your application, please email questions as well as a request for an application to grants (at) leatheralliance (dot) org

A minimum of 7 days are required for review before consideration at a Grants
Committee meeting. The Grant Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month, unless a holiday, in which case the meeting shall be scheduled the second Tuesday.